Moving to Work

In March 2008, the Housing Authority was selected by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as a demonstration site as we move our services and programs to one of empowerment for the families that we serve by providing them with the necessary stepping stones in order for them to achieve an enriched quality of life.

MTW is a demonstration program that allows housing authorities to design and test ways to: 1) promote self-sufficiency among assisted families; 2) achieve programmatic efficiency and reduce costs; and 3) increase housing choice for low-income households. As a result other Housing Authorities will have the opportunity to learn from HACSB's lessons learned and best practices in implementing new policies outside the scope of usual HUD policies and regulations.

As an MTW agency, the Housing Authority is given the flexibility and authority to develop policies outside the limitations of certain HUD regulations and provisions. This will allow HACSB to achieve its' mission and program goals at a higher level by leveraging the unique needs and concerns of the various communities and residents of San Bernardino County.

Under the Standard Agreement, an MTW agency must include any new MTW activities in an Annual MTW Plan that includes metrics, authorizations and descriptions of the anticipated impact. The Plan has to be approved by HUD prior to implementation.

In addition, an MTW agency must submit an Annual Report. The Annual Report provides a detailed description about the activities identified in the annual Plan. It includes a detailed impact of the activity and compares it against the proposed benchmarks and metrics to access outcomes.

For access to HACSB's MTW factsheets, plans, and reports, please click here.

For more information on MTW demonstration sites throughout the United States, please visit HUD's MTW website.